
The StarForce 822 is the type of card we have come to expect from MSI: a card that works beautifully yet has few extras to increase its cost. unfortunately, likely due to the lack of GeForce3 chips, the StarForce 822's attempt to cut costs did not get transferred to the market.

If the StarForce 822 was priced a good amount below other GeForce3 offerings, we could understand the decision to go with no memory heatsinks and few extras on the base model. This would have produced a "budget" GeForce3 that would have appeal in the eyes of many, if the price was right. The problem is that the price is not right.

If you can find the StarForce 822 around, the price of the base model is in the $360 range. Now, compare this to the last GeForce3 card we reviewed, the Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! 64MB, and we find that the MSI offering is about $20 and actually has less features. In fact, the base StarForce 822 is only $15 less than the VIVO Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! 64MB.

That is not to say that the StarForce 822 is a bad GeForce3 solution: it performed well in our tests, was able to overclock a decent amount, and has an optional VIVO module (without S-video input). The card also comes with the same software as competing GeForce3's, as the package includes the custom driver utility as well as a software DVD decoder named MSI DVD.


Things we would have liked to see on the StarForce 822 include an S-video input port (as well as the already existing ports), memory heatsinks, and a lower price. Perhaps as GeForce3 chip availability expands and prices continue to drop, the MSI StarForce 822 will be able to underprice the competition. Until then, it seems that there are better solutions on the market.

Note: MSI got in touch with us last night and said that they were working on an "updated" version of the StarForce 822 that will include RAMsinks, TV-out, and come bundled with the game DRONEZ. We look forward to reviewing this version of the card when it becomes available. Below is a picture of the upcoming card.

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