GPU Tests: Grand Theft Auto DX11 (1080p, 4K)

GTX 1080

(1080p) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) GTX 1080: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS



(1080p) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) GTX 1060: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS

R9 Fury

(1080p) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) R9 Fury: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS

RX 480

(1080p) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(1080p) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(1080p) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 60 FPS(4K) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Average Frame Rate(4K) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, 99th Percentile(4K) RX 480: Grand Theft Auto V, Time Under 30 FPS

GPU Tests: Rocket League DX9 (1080p, 4K) GPU Tests: GTX 1080 at 8K and 16K
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  • Dr. Swag - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    Is it just me that sees "[table]" in the test bed and setup part? :P
  • Ian Cutress - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    As always, still writing as the embargo passes :D Always down to the wire, then over the wire, and a hop skip and a jump into a fast typing frenzy of fastidious fire.
  • Dr. Swag - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    No worries :). I can only imagine how much testing you've been doing ever since the Ryzen 7 launch :D

    You guys are still my favorite review site. Keep up the good work!
  • AndrewJacksonZA - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    Thanks Doc! I pretty much always prefer your in-depth analysis to other authors on other review sites. I really enjoy the way you do and word things - I put it down to a combination of your academic and pro-OC background. :-)

  • ianmills - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    Ian it would be great if there was some easy way to only see only the parts of the review that are updated. Perhaps a diff can be done somehow ;)
  • EasyListening - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    Hey you rhymed!
  • leexgx - Thursday, April 13, 2017 - link

    EEC compatibility (not support at the moment) you can use ECC ram but the ECC functionality is disabled (don't know when or if AMD will enable it on none workstation CPUs)
  • MajGenRelativity - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    You mention a Ryzen 1400X in the conclusion, but I only see a 1500X and a 1400 at the beginning of the review. I do see a 1500X in the chart, so maybe you mean that?

    Paragraph just before "On the Benchmark Results"
  • Ian Cutress - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    I did indeed. :) Updated.
  • MajGenRelativity - Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - link

    I figured as much, unless you had access to a secret CPU I'd never seen before :P

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